As a man, the answer to this question eludes us. Why? Because it eludes you too. Let's face it, sometimes
YOU don't even know what YOU want. There are so many stipulations.
YOU want an educated man BUT he can't be a nerd.You want someone with a sensitive side BUT not too soft or you'll consider him p*ssy.
YOU want someone who is strong enough to put you in check sometimes BUT you still want him to be vulnerable enough to give in at times.
YOU want a man to be chivalrous and have the ability to take care of you BUT you still want to be independent.
And while we're on the topic of independence, you do realize that you need a male partner to procreate with, meaning the population of mankind is actually dependent on one another, therefore making Beyonce's LONELY Independent Woman Theory null and void. I'm just saying. I can hear your clocks ticking. It's ok to want us, especially since you need us.
Back to the topic at hand.
I almost forgot your ideal man can't be shorter than 6 feet tall, he has to have a nice chest and back, some tattoos but not too much and he MUST look like the incomparable IDRIS ELBA. Please note the word 'incomparable.
'Now ladies, I just want to know, if and when you find this IMAGINARY ideal man, will he think that YOU are HIS ideal mate? Because if he has as much stipulations as you do, chances are, there's NO chance.
One more thing. Ladies, you want a man to be a man but since you ALL have your own opinions and standards for what a man should be, is it even possible that we'll ever fit into your definition as we are and not as you wish?
What do you want?
Make it clear that this is to those who elude the real world for Cinderella type of stories. I've indeed heard all of these requirement from silly little girls. And fortunately for women and young single ladies like myself who are living and learning that everything isn't a fairy tale, life isn't perfect and that the people in it aren't either, I don't set these ridiculous prerequisites for you guys. Learning to go with the flow is a major reason why I think this way. I've been through the silly girl thinking but I know better so I definitely do better.
ReplyDeleteIt's not possible to find that ideal man for them because he doesn't exist. Wasn't Adam the image of a "real man"? Look how he turned out. And I don't wanna see anything bashing women abt why Adam did why he did. Anyway, I'm sure - in simple terms - all women just want a man that's fit for her. Not Prince Charming but a man that accepts her for who she is despite her faults and a man she'll accept despite his.
That's all I have. Thanks for sharing how you feel.
Part 2 of my comment:
ReplyDeleteIf you're gonna tell a story, tell all of it. Guys have some pretty ridiculous requirements too. She gotta be under 5'8", weigh no more than 160lbs, have an onion booty, thin waist, big enough breasts, thick long hair, and her complexion has to match that of Eva Longoria or (insert other female star). It's crazy.
Everyone needs to pull their heads out the sand. No one is perfect.