We came across another blog entry entitled, "A Love Letter to The BlackMan" by @akamplish, and we were inspired to respond. We as men seldom take the time to praise our women by action, so we would like to mend our past oversights with our words.
Peering ever so effortlessly through our culture we realize and admit that your value has diminished. You have been objectified in the media, and we have only been accomplices in perpetuating this cycle. Sex sells, and we buy it. We have not protected our most prized possessions and have allowed you to fall victim to lustful eyes, words, and thoughts. Your worth has been forgotten, but this error unlike others, is reconcilable. We expect the world from you, but at times do not reciprocate the same efforts. We have left our children solely in your hands, and wonder why our race is dying. Fatherless children breed fatherless children, and we offer no solution to this equation. You stood by us and with us when the world went cold around us; but to what avail? Without you, we would not know this earth. Without our women, there would be no us. This letter is our way of showing our appreciation to our Black women. A way of showing you are still loved, respected, cherished, and needed.
Behind black man is a strong black woman! (But who is behind her?)
You are our mothers, and sisters. You are our princesses, and Queens. You fill any role while still being able to stand on your own. Time and time again we have set standards that are physically, emotionally, and mentally unobtainable. We forget that in order to reach these levels we need to hoist you on our shoulders to place you on this very pedestal. For this we apologize. Your loyalty and perseverance are unmatched and insurmountable, and for this we thank you. The years of absenteeism cannot be reversed, but we pledge to do better. We have overlooked your work and efforts for too long. WE ARE SORRY. However, these same transgressions are the reasons we LOVE and APPRECIATE YOU. Thank you Black Woman.
Fellas *STANDING OVATION* I love this and I am glad I helped inspire its creation! I am very proud of this post, because we both need sociological uplift and appreciation. The black culture needs to be know its worth, and we are on the forefront of this journey! You know you are appreciated and as Kings and Queens we need to raise a proud generation!
ReplyDeleteWith Love Always,
"Your loyalty and perseverance are unmatched and insurmountable, and for this we thank you."
ReplyDeleteYou're trying to make me cry. I know it. You did great and I'm glad you two are putting your POSITIVE energies into blogging. Welcome :)
Great job on the post.
This was very beautifully written, and I must commend you. Your understanding and empathy of the struggles we face as women in society and our own community holds accountability and empathy. Job well done.