Friday, November 12, 2010

The Things Your Homegirls Can't Tell You

Everybody's somebody's cousin and we're fuckin' em all.  Now that we got out the way, we can speak candidly from here on out.  We'd introduce ourselves but our names don't really matter in the large scheme of things.  However, because people like to personalize who they are speaking to, we are affectionately known as The Guru and Mike Lowry.  You might have heard about us from our appearance on another blog discussing the reality of sex from the male perspective and yes ladies, men do have some perspective.  If you haven't heard about us, check us out battling our female counterparts about the different expectations, behaviors and experiences that go on in the bedroom over lots of heineken.  Now before you start questioning our credibility, we are both college educated young men with jobs.  We are also mama's boys and we've had our fair share of relationships and even more of whatever's opposite of that.  Given our decorated history with women, some platonic, most not, we're just here to have the conversation that nobody wants to have.  For instance, it seems rude to say "you should be sucking way more dick," but you should.  We like it.  It also seems rude to say, "I've been fucking for some time and I'm ready to nut so I'm gonna think of someone else real quick," but it happens.  We're here to let the ladies know that just because you talk more than we do, doesn't mean you have it all figured out.  We're also here for the men that really want more head but want to avoid an argument because it has to be something she wants to do.  Simply, women always have a bunch of relationships questions and they seem to ask everyone besides the person they're having a relationship with so now you can.  We get it and now we want to make sure that you do too.

That being said, ladies, if you knew better you would do better.  Don't wear uggs in shoe weather.  Gentlemen, everybody's somebody's cousin and we're fucking 'em all. Cheers!

Signing off.

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